Welcome to The Healing Experience!
 We believe that healing is a journey that we're all on, and that it's much easier when we have the support of a community around us. That's why we've created this space for you to come and heal with peace, pleasure, and purpose alongside others who are on a similar path.

This event is based on my book, "It's All in Me! - My Journey to Freedom & Living Abundantly". While it's not required to join the circle, we highly recommend it as a helpful resource on your journey. You can purchase the book here: www.jalisahardy.com 
 We’ll set our healing goals/intentions for the week/month as well.
I’m here to guide and support you as we laugh, cry, release, and make plans to move forward in our healing journey with grace and ease. And as a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, I'll be sharing powerful tools and resources to help make your healing journey even easier.

Join us and experience the transformative power of healing in community. Let's choose healing, together!
🚨🚨🚨Make sure to register here AND make your payment on Acuity for $44. The Acuity page to pay will open as soon as you register. 🚨🚨🚨