It's All in Me!: My Journey to Freedom & Living Abundantly

This book is a memoir about all that I had to overcome to realize that I had everything I needed within me to succeed in life and ministry. I have had to overcome a lot to get on my journey to freedom and living abundantly. I tried to turn to many outside sources but it all led back to me and what God had placed within me. He showed me that I am my purpose and that everything that I need to fulfill my purpose is inside of me. He’s given me a testimony that is like no other. Some things were done to me, others I did to myself. Instead of worry about who’s fault these things were, I decided to take responsibility for it all. I took responsibility for the abuse, neglect, rape, broken relationships, daddy issues, infidelity, STD, and brokenness. I decided to use it all as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks. I decided that I would no longer indulge in self-sabotage and self-harming behavior. I decided not to continue to let my past define me. It is said that it is not what happens to you, it's how you respond to it. How have you responded to your past experiences? Have you taken responsibility for them by extracting the lessons from them for future experiences? Or, have you continue to play the blame game as a victim instead of a victor? I took responsibility by turning my pain into purpose and sharing it with you in this book in hopes that you too are able to turn your pain into purpose. 

One reader said this:
“I love how this book not only just tells a story, but it's also like a self-help workbook inside asking you very thought-provoking, self-reflecting questions that really helps you dig deep and think about where your roadblocks are and how to break through those self-inflicting barriers. And then she also says a prayer for you in each segment for which you are going through. 
I commend Jalisa for opening up and sharing her story as it will help many have their breakthrough and heal from their wounds. I felt like she was there with me working through to heal my wounds. Awesome book!”

